Gettin there.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


If I may (of course I "may," this is my fucking blog), I'd like to add a little writer's note to one of my previous posts, Fuck da Fakes. For those of you not familiar with the post, the title is a decent three-word synopsis. It was essentially a run-on sentence rant that was targeted at the kids that I considered fake. To quote myself: "...people who are so obviously posers that it warrants immediate lights to be lit that proclaim "Get a load of the fuck who thinks he's Seth Cohen." I laughed after I posted that. Laughed my ass off. In retrospect, I realize I was being a bit harsh.

Here's what it comes down to: I pride myself on originality, and I feel like some people who used to be my friends have gotten away from this in a way. Maybe they feel like what they're doing is original, and I can agree with them in some respects. I just don't think all things common should be tossed aside while striving to be one's own person.

But the thing is, I went too far in trying to convey this. I got caught up with a bunch of different emotions. Well, one emotion. Anger. And the majority of it stemmed from that fateful rejection letter I received several months prior. Yes, Chapel Hill, if I must spell it out. I am jealous as fuck of all those that got in. I don't know how to describe what it feels like to not get something you have wanted your whole life. A part of me really just wanted to bash those kids who got in there. And that isn't really fair, I admit.

I am quite stubborn and hate directly apologizing to people. So I'm doing it through here. I am sorry. I got a little carried away. And to those of you who got into Chapel Hill and are considering going elsewhere, Fuck You. No apologies for that one.

I would continue this post with some anecdotes of recent events in my life that I found quite humorous, but I am dreadfully tired, and I do have a couple of things to do for tomorrow so that I can try to get by in European History with a D.

Peace out, Seacrest!

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