Gettin there.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Wikipedia is probably one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century. And yet, it is banned at school, a phenomenon I cannot grasp. Teachers don't want us to use it when completing research papers. They scoff if any work we hand in is in some way related to a Wikipedia page. I don't understand it.

Perhaps Michael Scott (Steve Carrel) put it best when he explained, "Anybody can write something, so you know you're getting the best. possible. information." This is true, anyone can indeed contribute to the plethora of information available on Wiki. However, it's not like it will stay there if what you said was total bullshit. Even if it wasn't, you have to cite it all. So everything on the site is real.

Today I had an oral presentation for AP European History. I suck dick at the subject, and knew that Wikipedia would come through in the clutch when it came to my assigned man of the past: Carl Jung. But on my last oral report, I had made a rookie mistake, simply printing off the Wikipedia page of my person and turning that in upon completion of the presentation. This time, I was a bit smarter. I copied every scrap of info on Jung into a Notepad document, then printed it out in plaintext. Fifty bucks says my teacher won't ever guess it's from Wiki. In fact, he'll probably concede to the fact that it's excellent info.

I can't wait to see what happens.

Also had an exam today. Discrete math. Class is somewhat of a joke, as far as math classes are concerned. Teacher is even more of a joke, as far as teachers are concerned. But he's a funny guy. Occasionally he'll let slip a few choice words, something that always makes my comrades and me chuckle. Sometimes, he doesn't even have to cuss; he just says some dumb stuff. Anyway, I am pretty sure I did well on the exam.

My parents told me if I have anything below a B then I can't go to Spring Break. I have a D in Euro Hist right now. Guess I'm running away.

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