Gettin there.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Seattle, Friday (fuck creative titles)

8:14 am

So, it is official. The Seattle trip has concluded, three days earlier than planned. For reasons I won't cite here, it was decided that this was "for the best." I have mixed feelings about it. I was really starting to enjoy the city, but at the same time, it will be cool to see all of my friends. Even a few days away from home can be a pretty large change. Mix in a time exchange of negative three hours, and you might as well be on a different planet.

I didn't get much sleep last night, maybe about two hours. We ate at this Mexican restaurant and I think that was the cause of my insomnia. I woke up and had that feeling like I was shaking and I was about to throw up. Fortunately, I didn't. Just had several violent burps, sat on the pot for a spell, and felt a lot better.

The conclusion to the trip actually did have a sweet note in the form of a "free" box across the street from my cousins' house. It was a box loaded with free stuff that someone had simply put on the side of the street for anyone who was interested to pass by and take. I found a couple good items: a "Ballard Hoops" tee, and a "Stealth Like Ninja" shirt. Not bad. There were also some corduroys in there, and a baseball bat, as well as a few random other items, but I figured I probably would never use those.

My sister thinks she is a total BA, being a bitch to my mom. Doesn't she realize that I am the only one allowed to do this job? Bitch betta recanize.

I bought another couple episodes of that Weeds show. I bought the second episode from the first season, but I also bought the fourth episode from the third season. Yes, I know that this is random as fuck. When I was buying it, I thought it was the fourth episode of the first season. But still, why number four you may ask? Well, I had watched what I presumed was episode three, season one with my cousins, and didn't want to buy something I had already seen. Hence, I bought the fourth. I fucked up.

I bought my Dave Matthews tickets last night. Used my Ticketmaster gift card, along with rewards points on my credit card. It said I had 25,000 points. I don't know how that's possible. I wonder if that includes my parents' account. Regardless, I used 16,000 of them so I didn't have to pay a cent for the tix. Sweet deal. Hopefully they don't get pissed.

8:14 pm

Back in the QC. Off the plane, in the car, on the way home. Thus concludes a family trip full of highs and lows. Certainly it ended on a bit of a sour note, but what can you do. Just roll with the punches, I suppose. Now it's time to see what's going on in my city tonight. Bye.

Coldplay still rox me sox

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