Gettin there.

Monday, January 19, 2009

A shoutout to the dankest website out there.

I want to give a shoutout to It is my new favorite website. I owe credit for my discovery of this site to Jack Roney. So I'll send a shoutout Roney's way as well.
So you have to be wondering what the hell is, right? Hey, it's a valid question, I was wondering the exact same thing last week! Let's take a look at it and see if we can deduct a meaning. money-related. But "cent," that's probably a small amount of money, right? Yes! Damn, you're so smart. Okay, and "sports"...hey, that's easy, that's darn easy, Chad! Yes, you're right, it is. So CentSports...throw in the obligatory ".com" and it's..uh...probably a sports betting website right? Spot on.
But it's like no other betting site you've ever seen. Bear with me while I try to explain.
So the cool thing about this site is that you win REAL MONEY, but you never have to pay a DIME. This sounds ridiculous, I know. But here's how it works: Advertisers pay CentSports for advertising on their website. Obviously, the more people that view the website, the more people see the ads, and the more money CentSports gets from the advertisers. Where does this money go? TO YOU! Yes, CentSports gives you money from their advertisers to bet on sporting events. Granted, they don't give you a whole lot (ten cents to start), but if you make a few smart bets you can really start to build it up. Some guy got over two grand playing on this site, starting with a damn dime! The best part is, if you bet away your money, they'll hook you up with another dime so you can continue to play. YOU LITERALLY HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE.
You may be asking me now: Did CentSports pay me to write this blog? Well, no, that would be silly, considering all of about three people read this thing. I truly just want you to learn about the site because I think it's spectacular. Oh yeah, if you sign up, then I get 5% of everything you win because I referred you. So sign up, but you have to use THIS LINK. I swear it's not spam or any of that shit, I'm not a huge ass. Go check it out.

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