Gettin there.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Stuck in Charlotte again.

I had ball surgery. Day one was painful. Day two was worse. Today, day three, is excruciating. I’ve been given a prescription for some heavy Hydrocodones but I’m pretty sure I’m building up a tolerance. Plus I’ve been popping them so often that they’re making me itch. I Googled the symptom, and it said that it was a sign that the codeine was killing my liver. Not any different from what I do four out of seven days down at The Dub, so I’ll take my chances.

            I am so tired of walking around like I just shit myself, but I have no other option. My sack reached its peak size of a miniature basketball yesterday and it’s finally starting to recede. I’d peg it somewhere between a baseball and a softball today.

            Among doctor’s orders are no swimming or sexual activity for three weeks. I won’t comment on either.

            Yeah so aside from the ball surg, nothing new’s going on here. I’ve laid a few college basketball bets down online just so I’m not completely bored tonight. Of course I bet on my beloved Heels to cover the spread of 17 in our home game tonight against Miami. That shouldn’t be a problem.

            I’m getting really tired of being stuck in Charlotte. I feel like no matter what I do I always end up back here each weekend. Once I can walk like a normal human being, I’m getting my ass out of here. That isn’t to say that I don’t enjoy the QC. It’s just that I’d rather be spending this Saturday night going out with my brothers as opposed to sitting here with a bag of ice strapped to my balls and a bowl of cheese and crackers at my side. Soon enough…

Don't ask me where I got this picture.

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